Real Estate Deal Or No Deal Workshop


Meriden, CT – September 7, 2010 – (RealEstateRama) — Our panel of seasoned investors will help you analyze and structure your deals so that you avoid the bad deals and make the profitable deals happen. Attend this event if you don’t have a deal right now, and learn how to analyze your future deals properly.

September 29, 2010 – 7:00 to 9:00 pm Comfort Inn. 900 East Main St. Meriden, CT

Free, CTREIA Members Only event.

For more information and to register, visit:

So you think that you found a great property deal? Think Again… and learn the process!

Our panel of experts have 50+ years of buying and selling single family houses and apartment buildings.

Don’t Have A Deal?? Attend Anyway. We analyze 6 to 8 member deals in an evening.
You will leave inspired to take action and armed with the knowledge of how to analyze/structure deals.

Find out what works and doesn’t work! Sometimes what appears to be a great deal…
Is Really a questionable deal???

Learn how to walk away gracefully! (so that you don’t lose your shirt)

Learn how to turn your deal$ into ca$h.

Is your marketing Working or Not?

Pull your leads out of the Trash Can… and let’s turn them into a deal$!

If you know the rules… you’ll avoid the pitfalls…

Be sure to bring your deals to this event. We have put together a panel of seasoned real estate investors who will help you evaluate your deals and hopefully turn it into cash!


The CT REIA is the largest real estate investors & apartment owners association in the Northeast and its mission is to provide educational and networking opportunities as well as business-to-business opportunities for entrepreneurs in the real estate investment community. We're firmly committed to promoting a sound understanding of ethical real estate investing principles and to help further develop our members’ (your!) investing abilities.


Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association
P.O. Box 270896
West Hartford, Connecticut 06127-0556

Phone: (860) 265-4414
Fax: (860) 606-8021

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